EachONE BuildONE

On January 12, 2011, seventeen students, six adults and I experienced and witnessed the devastation of the earthquake. While much money was pledged to the reconstruction of Haiti, according to CNN, and CBC, little was accomplished due to complicated government issues, land disputes, and red tape. In August, 2011 I led a team back to Haiti and we can testify to the accuracy of this report. In response, we initiated a house building program called Each one Build one. Kootenay Christian Fellowship partnered with Haiti Arise, a Haitian humanitarian organization, to build 1000 homes in 2011. Every dollar donated went directly towards building safe, earthquake resistant, appropriate Haitian homes. We are still attempting to do what we can to help. Please donate today.

Pastor Jim Reimer

This video shows our previous work in Haiti as well as our EachONE BuildONE project.

To find out more about HaitiARISE, please click the following link: www.haitiarise.org

EACHone BUILDone is a reconstruction plan to put people back in their homes.

Currently: The construction of 72 homes has been completed as of January, 2016. Thank you all for your help! This project is still ongoing, as there are still many displaced families in Haiti. If you'd like to help please donate, or call the office at 250.352.1722 to join our next mission.

The Vision

  • To give people a chance to move from the current inhumane, ghetto style conditions of tent dwelling back to their own homes on their own property.

EachONE BuildONE is a HaitiARISE program in partnership with Kootenay Christian Fellowship

The Need

In Grand-Goave, there are an estimated 30,000 people homeless. People are not able to sleep at night when the rain is falling as water runs through their tents, soaking their makeshift beds, clothes and children. Children, who sleep in separate tents from their parents, are at risk from physical and sexual assults.

The Problem

  • Not much is presently being done.
  • Some humanitarian groups are giving shelters or homes to people without asking them what the people want and need, or without asking them to participate in some way to create a spirit of ownership.
  • Often times shelters that are constructed are not going to last or are not able to protect them in a hurricane or flood.

Our Solution

  • Build sustainable homes that people want to live in
  • Build durable homes that will withstand an earthquake or hurricane
  • Use materials that are readily available
  • Use Haitian labour
  • Require the participation in the construction of houses for those receiving a home

Selection Criteria

The following criteria will be required for selected the families who will benefit from this program.

  1. They already had a home that they were living in.
  2. Their home was destroyed completely in the disaster- an inspection will be done of their home to verify the extent of damage.
  3. They do not have another home that can be lived in.
  4. They have proof of ownership of land to rebuild their home on.
  5. Have not already received assistance by another organization to have a home built
  6. Selection of families will not be based on religious affililation.
  7. Recipients cannot garner any increased equity out of their home for the first ten years. If they rent or sell it, they have to pay back the cost of building the house, plus any increased value due to inflation.
  8. The families selected will be required to participate in the complete construction of one house in addition to building their own.

The Plan

  • HaitiARISE has set aside $50,000 for reconstruction
  • This will be used to build 10 new homes in the next 3 months.
  • $5,000/ home x 10 = $50,00
  • Haitians will be trained during this contruction phase.
  • The trained Hatians will then be used to assist and assure quality construction in future houses.
  • Selected families will then build a house for their neighbor, with the assistance of the trained Haitians.
  • They in turn will have a house built with the next family on the list assisting them. This process will be repeated until everyone is back in their homes.


  • People will be housed in secure, architectural homes.
  • Laborers will be skilled in house construction.
  • HaitiARISE technical students will be used in their area of skill.
  • The homes will be Haitian made with local materials.
  • Haitian will feel more comfortable sleeping in them, as they have had a hand in building them, thus feeling secure with their own product.
  • The homes will be sustainable and will last for years.

What needs to be done

  • Every dollar donated will go towards the rebuilding project called EACHone BUILDone.
  • $5000 builds one house.
  • Consider a visit to Haiti and help with the reconstruction

Celebration: Sunday: 10:30am - 12pm In Person Church or Facebook

Kootenay Christian Fellowship
520 Falls Street (1/2 Block up from Baker Street)
Nelson, BC  V1L 6B5 

EachONE BuildONE: