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At Kootenay Christian Fellowship we take Micah 6:8 seriously. It says, "He has told you, O man (church), what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
There are three things that God asks of his people: To act justly, to love being kind, and to walk humbly..
Just think what a great world we would have if we all promoted justice. If we spoke up for the weak and protected the vulnerable. Add to that acts of kindness. Not kindness that is out of duty, but where a group of people actually loved doing kind things. Such a people we desire to be. And then lastly, what voice would we have if we were proud of our goodness. Would we not be just like the religious bigots everyone loves to hate. We desire to be a people that are willing to get our hands dirty, our knees bent, and our feet on the ground.
In this website you will find information and opportunities. But our most sincere prayer is that we will get to know you and you and us will get to know God. If we can assist you in any way, please email your concern to one of the people on our contact information page. We want to be a blessing to you. Come and share a day of worship with us. We meet every Sunday at 520 Falls Street in Nelson, BC.
There is free parking available on Sunday behind the building.
Pastor Jim Reimer
“... Be filled with the Spirit”
I love how ‘The Message’ puts John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood..” It’s talking about Jesus and how he literally became one of us, putting on flesh and blood, moving into the very place where we live, being among us, what an incredible God this is that he would love us so much as to enter our world and live among us. The purpose of God right from the very beginning has been that he would have a people of his very own that he would live amongst. We messed that up pretty quickly, right on the first few pages of the Bible, in the garden, but God never let go of his purpose; and the rest of the story is of God working out his ultimate intention, to have a people of his very own, that he would be our God and we would be his people.
What was never possible, because of our sin and failures, God made possible by sending Jesus to pay the price for our sins and to bring down the wall that stood between us, and astonishingly to make us right with God. So that any of us that receive Jesus’ payment on our behalf, comes into Jesus and into right relationship with the Father. Jesus came to show us what God is like and to make a way for us to come into his family.
But the wonder doesn’t stop there. Ephesians 2:21-22, says, “...And in him (that’s Jesus) you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (NIV). God is so committed to his plan of living with us, that he takes each one of us, builds us together into his community, his church, and then takes up his residence among us in the house by his Spirit. This is the wonder of God with us, Emmanuel.
So, when we get to the verses we are going to look at this Sunday, “Do not get drunk on wine…instead be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18 NIV) it is talking about the very plan and purpose of God to come and fill his community and live among us. This is the most exciting, incredible, remarkable event ever. Both individually and corporately we are to be filled up with God himself, living among us! - Andrew Freeman
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Kootenay Christian Fellowship520 Falls Street (1/2 Block up from Baker Street)Nelson, BC V1L 6B5