Growth Groups

We welcome every member of our church to be involved in either a Growth Group or another similar small group experience. These home groups require a ten-week commiment, and are comprised of 10-12 people. (meetings options are in person or online on zoom. Next start-up is "Winter 2024.

Groups meet weekly to share, study God's Word and to support one another spiritually. The groups are offered three times a year - fall, winter, and spring, taking a break for the summer months.


This is our opportunity to meet together Wednesday evenings in small groups to Join, Explore and Implement 2 Grow.

  • Grow in God
  • Grow in Relationships
  • Sermon-based
  • 90 minutes/week
  • Home setting or Zoom options

Please contact church offfice for more info.

Contact the office to register in advance 250.352.1722 or

Other Events

Celebration: Sunday: 10:30am - 12pm In Person Church or Facebook

Kootenay Christian Fellowship
520 Falls Street (1/2 Block up from Baker Street)
Nelson, BC  V1L 6B5 

Growth Groups: