Pastor Jim's Blog

Is This The Time For The Rapture?

The Christian community is in an uproar. I have never seen more posts, videos, and memes on the “last days” theme, than right now. But then I have only been on Facebook for twelve years. Facebook was launched in 2004, it took me 4 years to get on board. Forgive me, for I digress.

One world governments, mark of the beast, signs of the end times, the rapture, loss of freedoms are filling our inbox. But what I don’t see is a call to repentance from our rebellion towards God. I don’t see a lot of exhortation to love our neighbor. I don’t see a lot of vision for self-sacrifice, evangelism, and supporting those that are feeling lost.

There is a huge outcry of indignation because of the potential loss of my “personal rights” but no word on “I am crucified with Christ”. (Galatians 2:20) In hundreds of countries in the world, people meet together to worship under the threat of punishment, torture, and death. Here we don’t attend a worship service, because we are asked to wear a mask. To be a Christian in China, in the Arab world, in some parts of Africa, and Eastern Europe means to forfeit all your rights, except the right for confiscation of property, pain and suffering because of one’s allegiance and faith in Christ.

This is our opportunity to present a real Christian faith. Not one that is based on fear of what I could loose, but instead one of love, presenting  salvation to a dying and hurting world.

Is this end time rhetoric new? No way. I remember two popular books in days past. One was The Late, Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay, written in 1970 which promised the immediate rapture. People were making communions, stocking up food, and crying one world governments. (Sound familiar) Then in 1988 another popular book came out called 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be In 88. Well, it was wrong too. Incidentally, if you check on Amazon, you can buy the sequel; The Final Shout Rapture Report for just $579.95.

Jesus is coming back. But the Bible tells us that when he does, he will be coming for a church that is marked by love, self-sacrifice, and without spot or blemish, (Ephesians 5:27). Are you part of that church or are you angry, fearful, and anxious what you might lose?

This could be our finest hour. Let’s not miss the opportunity to be light in a dark world. This will make a positive impact. Speaking of Impact, Pastor Alex will be continuing our Impact series from the book of Acts this Sunday.

Look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Communion Sunday

This Sunday we will have communion. We look forward to sharing this special time together with you and if you are engaging online with us, be prepared at home with some grape juice and bread.

Sunday Celebration

We are meeting personally at the church Sundays at 10:30am. The delta variant has become prevalent in the region including Nelson and the mandate from the Provincial Government is that if you are in a building to wear a mask, so we are asking everyone to wear them until this subsides. Moving forward until further notice Masks are Mandatory again as well as physical distancing and sanitizing remains. We are so glad that we are gathering again, your presence is so important. The usual online options (Facebook and KCF.Online.Church) will also be available.


We are excited to be baptizing again this coming Sunday, September 19th at Lakeside Park (meet at the Flagpole). We anticipate starting at 12:30pmafter our Sunday Church Celebration. Come with a picnic lunch and let’s enjoy together after the baptism.

Baptism is an important step in our growth as disciples of Jesus. A changed life will be your experience as you submit to the Holy Spirit in your dedication to God.

If you have not been immersed as a believer, this would be a good time to talk to Pastor Jim or Pastor Alex and find out more about this.

Pastor Jim Reimer

September 16, 2021

Celebration: Sunday: 10:30am - 12pm In Person Church or Facebook

Kootenay Christian Fellowship
520 Falls Street (1/2 Block up from Baker Street)
Nelson, BC  V1L 6B5 

Pastor Jim's Blog: Is This The Time For The Rapture?