Have you read the bumper sticker, “Be patient with me. God is not finished with me yet?” Some scriptures give the image of God as the potter and we as the clay. When the potter takes the lump of clay and begins to spin and mold it, it takes time, skill, and the right conditions to bring the masterpiece we can enjoy into existence. One of my favorite cups was once a lump of clay. Now, it is a beautiful repository of the nectar of the Gods. Not wine, coffee. Like my cup, we can be vessels of God’s goodness, love, and grace. But to experience all that God wants to do with me, in and through me, I must be open to allowing God free and unfettered access to the lump of clay called me. The same for us all. Many of us live way below our potential, never finding victory and living outside of the calling he has given us because we refuse to let him be the potter in our lives. Why not give God access to every area of your life? Say, mold me, shape me, create in me the beauty you have in mind for this lump of clay. (Romans 9:14-29)
This Sunday, Anastasya will share the message “Fighting the Potter.” It's not good; do not do that! This message will help you connect more deeply with God, our Potter.
I will be in Fruitvale, helping that church. Please pray for KCF, Anastasya, and Fruitvale Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jim Reimer.
Our Daily Bread
With the seasonal shift, ODB is needing a fresh pool of volunteers. Please pray for provision for Our Daily Bread. If God is leading you to help someone not be hungry, to have a safe place to go for community, and to experience the love of God, please consider Volunteering or sending Our Daily Bread a financial gift today.
Etransfer: office@kcfoffice.com – mention ODB.
Here is a video link that captures the heart of ODB. We hope you can take a moment to click on the link and watch it. We also invite you to share this link far and wide. https://youtu.be/BNJbNrIdQkY?si=I5Yip9tu08MoYKvf
Growth Groups are Underway
Gatherings are underway. The group meeting at 6 Mile and the Online Zoom group have a little more room for new registrants. You won’t want to miss out. Groups meet Wednesday evenings @ 7pm.
This is our time to get to know one another better, share our lives, pray, study the previous Sunday’s sermon and eat dessert together.
We hope you are able to take part. Sign up by simply reply to this email.
As the air is getting more refreshing, we are reminded that Thanksgiving is around the corner.
We are beginning to plan for the annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner which is free to the community. We hope you are able to make this part of your celebrations on Monday, Oct 14 at KCF/ODB. We are seeking volunteers for various roles including serving, prep cooking, dishwashers, table clearers, set up and clean up, cooking a turkey in your home, or donating a bird. Please reply to this email if you are interested in lending a hand by taking part.
Rides to Church
If you can offer someone a ride to church on Sunday, please let us know.
Tithes and Offerings
Those who are wanting to support our Church with offerings (during this time, it is very much appreciated) it can be done by etransfer to office@kcfoffice.com, through our website via PayPal, or by calling in to the office with a credit card or mailing in your cheque. Thank you for your continued giving to the church with your tithes and generous offerings.
Anne-Marie Rasmussen – Administrator
E-transfers to office@kcfoffice.com
Kootenay Christian Fellowship520 Falls Street (1/2 Block up from Baker Street)Nelson, BC V1L 6B5